
MRDes represents a Mixed Reality Desktop (MRD) system exploring how people will use daily phygital objects within the MR spatial system in the contemporary domestic space. In this thesis project, we explore, design, and envision immersive human-computer interactions on the common desktop, aimming at spatial interaction design, productivity enhancement, and intuitive user experience.

What will immersive productivity be like in the future?

Ubiquitous computing introduced by Mark Weiser keeps ongoing and adapting around the world. Although we are currently more familiar with 2D screen-based computers like desktop or mobile, we can't neglect invaluable opportunities of 3D immersive computing in the mixed reality brought up by Ivan Sutherland.

Imagine expanding and applying virtual fields wherever you go.


Inspired by the design and development process of Xerox"Star,” we established the design of MRDes following the familiarity of existing systems and objects. The MRDes Spatial System defines an desirable mixed-reality spatial field, revealing virtual content in the scene.


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Inspired by the design and development process of Xerox"Star,” we established the design of MRDes following the conceptual model of existing systems and objects. The MRDes Spatial System defines an desirable mixed-reality spatial field, revealing virtual content in the scene.


Users can interact and reconfigure Phygital Objects with specific functionalities. Communication among Phygital Objects writes corresponding data, which is stored and visualized in the MRDes system.


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Users can interact and reconfigure Phygital Objects with specific functionalities. Communication among Phygital Objects writes corresponding data, which is stored and visualized in the MRDes system.


Users can share data through intuitive gestures within a linked field. The connection is built through the same set of Phygital Objects in the field so that users can collaborate in a synchronized environment for further modifications.


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Users can share data through intuitive gestures within a linked field. The connection is built through the same set of Phygital Objects in the field so that users can collaborate in a synchronized environment for further modifications.

How will immersive technology improve productivity?

Immersive technology has a unlimited potentiality to assist in user productions. But what aspects should we take advantage of as our profitable opportunities?

Fundamental research and user study leads the way


Boundary frames a balanced life to achieve an efficient productivity

After all, efficient productivity is a reflection of a healthy and balanced llifestyle, becaused it requries a positive physcial and mental condition to support the extreme concentration of sprinting jobs. Boundaries in any formats conceptually create a modular system helping users to organize and shift among different stages, allowing them to fully concentrate and enjoy themselves whenever working or realxing.

Intuitiveness shapes intimacy

MR products need to consider the affordance which allows users to comprehend intuitively and encourage their purchase, especially for those who are not familiar with virtual content.

Impact: Reduce learning curve by designing based on the conceptual model to let users understand from what they have known.

Establish ergonomics in MR system

User comfort is a key factor to determine user's loyalty. User would love to try new things, but they won't bring them into their life unless it's comfortable to use.

Impact: MR product design involves knowledge in human behaviors and furniture ergonomics.

Opportunities of collaboration system

Collaboration requires communications in a higher level with verbal, gestural, facial expressions, etc. MR technology detached from screen-based devices has a great potentiality to break collaboration boundaries.

Impact: Jump out from 2D graphic design patterns and look for opportunities in MR 3D system.

How might we design MR products as intuitive and comfortable as possible?

How might we assist users in establishing boundaries and switching among stages?


An intuitive interaction system designed for productivity.

Spatial Defination

The first step is to place your MR Desktop Terminal and activate your MR Desktop working space and environmental preferences. Divide and distribute your working space into different stages and adjust them flexibly. It's improtant to keep everything organized when you are working and feel chill during your free time.

Tool reconfigurations

Each phygital object represents one primary object that has the potentaility to be assigned with multiple functions. You can interpret a phygital paper as a plane surface and enpower it to be a display, a map, or a canvas, etc. Moreover, you can determine what are the inputs of a phygital pen to meed your working demand.

Contexturalized supports

Smart feeds keep assisting in your life in every way. Each phygital object is capable of monitering your current conditions and provides corresponding recommendations to release your unnecessary burden and guide you to a healthier life.

Adapt from conventional affordance

You still have access to the immense repository of information. Retrieve and learn them in any formats with a piece of phygital paper as you used to in a library.

Using without comprehension burden

MR Desktop System embodies information based on phygital objects. Your intuitive interactions with those objects replace common commands in screen-based user interface. MR Desktop gradually becomes a part of your habit and lifestyle.

How will the interaction be like within this system?

Reducing learning curve and designing based on user's conceptual model is the key to make a mixed-reality product accessible.

Gestural interactions follow phygital objects correspondingly

Reducing the learning curve is essential to for users to accept a product with the lastest technology in the market. Our interaction design was originated and developed from the conceptual model of daily objects, allowing users to pick up easily and intuitively.
















Spatial Reconfiguration

Determine the boundary

Divide a space

Build a spatial connection

Phygital Object - Paper

Show the main menu

Assign a function

Duplicate content

Read files


Setup the canvas preference

Phygital Obejct - Pen

Activate the pen preference

Select a stroke

Confirm the selection

Phygital Object - Cup

Confirm the recommendation


Deactivate the interface

Less is more

We keep inventing tools in all kinds to aid in our daily productive activities. However, screen-based desktop computer allows users to complete multiple tasks with one integrated device. MR Desktop will further compact tools into few Phygital Objects under its Spatial System, seemingly simplying the physical desktop setup but creating numerous interactive possibilities in the mixed reality.

Discovering patterns accelerates design and development process

Being patient and sharp-minded is my altimate weapon to push this MR Desktop project forward until this stage. Our team encountered numerous difficulties in terms of time limitations, technical problems, presentation restrictions, and so on. We designed not only this product, but the whole delivery process behind the stage.

We were using experience collected from architecture design, user experience design, AR and VR prototyping, and JavaScript and Python coding structure to find a way breaking throught or working around. Pattern discovery is really essentail for me during the exploration, because it allows me to draw inferences from one instance. I believe my vision to develop multi-disciplinary skills will finally pay back in the future.