
A VR puzzle game about reconnecting with the deceased loved one through assisting earthbound spirits on their journey to realize what they left behind.​

Immersive storytelling experience

Morana tells a grieved story through collecting items, arranging clues, interacting with characters, and gradually retrieve the image of the entire timeline.

Curate smooth VR interactions along the story narritive

Interaction design focused on two aspects: connections between scenes and puzzle solving. The pazzles of Morana are designed in various ways, including classic image puzzles, gestural puzzles, and item puzzles, etc. The puzzle interactions were adapted accordingly to give users intuitive experience.

Object interaction

Autoplay animations to attract users to interact with puzzle items.

Move through teleport

Setup fixed teleport locations to guide users along the story narritive.

Puzzle solving control

Give users movement freedom within the puzzle scenes allowing users to easily observe clues.

Add more instructional signifers and feedback

After usability study, we decided to add more sound and visual signifiers to guide users throughout the story plot, such as gaze indicators, text reminders, and gesture trigger indicators, etc.

Morana Trailer

Corresponding feedback were also in demand to reduce user confusion in the unfamiliar virtual environment. I added more user-friendly features to smooth puzzle solving experience, such as auto-snapping and sound feedback, etc.