Our daily life is nothing inferior from fancy social media posts

Instaportal aims at making users proud of seemingly mundane life speculatively. It collects environmental data such as humidity, temperature, and lightness, etc, to identify what kind of experience users will gain under the similar conditions on social media. It emphasizes invaluable happiness that we always neglect but exists just around us.

The camera is designed as a sensing machine without optical functionalities. It detects environmental data and sends them to the cloud wirelessly, based on which the cloud will further automatically generate a social media post.

Be proud of whatever you are experiencing and enjoying just now!

It's time to stay awake and understand that it is how we prensent our experience determines the gap between daily life and social media. There's no need to hide but to share through the filter of confidence to the world.

How did we prototype?

Instaportal involves two parts: the monitor and the base. The monitor contains two 10-position BCD rotary switches, a mini-tactile pushbutton switch, a CdS photoresistor, a DHT22 temperature-humidity sensor, and an ESP32 feather board collecting and submitting the input values to the Adafruit cloud. The base would download interpreted values via the ESP32 feather board and present the texts accordingly on a FeatherWing OLED.

import machine
import time
import network
import dht
from umqtt.simple import MQTTClient

def set_pin(*num):
    list_num = []
    for item in num:
        pin_id = machine.Pin(item, machine.Pin.IN, machine.Pin.PULL_UP)
    return list_num

def read_value(list_knob):
    list_value = []
    for item in range(len(list_knob)):
    return list_value

def set_result(import_list):

    export_value = 0

    if import_list == [1, 1, 1, 1]:
        export_value = 0
    elif import_list == [0, 1, 1, 1]:
        export_value = 1
    elif import_list == [1, 0, 1, 1]:
        export_value = 2
    elif import_list == [0, 0, 1, 1]:
        export_value = 3
    elif import_list == [1, 1, 0, 1]:
        export_value = 4
    elif import_list == [0, 1, 0, 1]:
        export_value = 5
    elif import_list == [1, 0, 0, 1]:
        export_value = 6
    elif import_list == [0, 0, 0, 1]:
        export_value = 7
    elif import_list == [1, 1, 1, 0]:
        export_value = 8
    elif import_list == [0, 1, 1, 0]:
        export_value = 9

    return export_value

def internet_connect():
    # connect the ESP to local wifi network
    yourWifiSSID = "ACCD"
    yourWifiPassword = "tink1930"
    sta_if = network.WLAN(network.STA_IF)
    if not sta_if.isconnected():
      sta_if.connect(yourWifiSSID, yourWifiPassword)
      while not sta_if.isconnected():

    print("connected to WiFi")

def light_detect(pin_id):
    adc1 = machine.ADC(machine.Pin(pin_id))
    return adc1

def light_convert(num):
    if num < 1500:
        result_value = 0
    elif num < 2000:
        result_value = 1
    elif num < 2500:
        result_value = 2
    elif num < 3000:
        result_value = 3
    elif num < 3500:
        result_value = 4
    elif num < 4000:
        result_value = 5
        result_value = 6

    return result_value

def hum_detect():
    global temp
    global hum
    global temp_f
    temp = sensor.temperature()
    hum = sensor.humidity()
    temp_f = temp * (9/5) + 32.0

# connect ESP to Adafruit IO using MQTT
myMqttClient = "itdoesnotmatter"  # replace with your own client name
adafruitUsername = "fqhang"  # can be found at "My Account" at adafruit.com
adafruitAioKey = "f8c8109354ca4d83b7a702d9101b2fc4"  # can be found by clicking on "VIEW AIO KEYS" when viewing an Adafruit IO Feed
adafruitFeed1 = adafruitUsername + "/feeds/KnobValue1" # replace "test" with your feed name
adafruitFeed2 = adafruitUsername + "/feeds/KnobValue2" # replace "test" with your feed name
adafruitFeed3 = adafruitUsername + "/feeds/PhotoSensor" # replace "test" with your feed name
adafruitFeed4 = adafruitUsername + "/feeds/Temperature" # replace "test" with your feed name
adafruitFeed5 = adafruitUsername + "/feeds/Humidity" # replace "test" with your feed name
adafruitFeed6 = adafruitUsername + "/feeds/Switch"
adafruitIoUrl = "io.adafruit.com"
c = MQTTClient(myMqttClient, adafruitIoUrl, 0, adafruitUsername, adafruitAioKey)

button = machine.Pin(12, machine.Pin.IN, machine.Pin.PULL_UP)
photo_int = light_detect(34)

knob_green = set_pin(26, 25, 4, 14)
knob_white = set_pin(27, 33, 15, 32)

sensor = dht.DHT22(machine.Pin(13, machine.Pin.IN, machine.Pin.PULL_UP))

list_value1 = read_value(knob_white)
knob_value3 = set_result(list_value1)

list_value2 = read_value(knob_green)
knob_value4 = set_result(list_value2)


while True:

    list_value1 = read_value(knob_white)
    knob_value1 = set_result(list_value1)

    list_value2 = read_value(knob_green)
    knob_value2 = set_result(list_value2)


    knob1_difference = knob_value1 - knob_value3
    knob2_difference = knob_value2 - knob_value4

    if knob1_difference != 0:
        print("difference" + str(knob_value1))
        c.publish(adafruitFeed6, str(knob_value1) + str(knob_value2))
        list_value1 = read_value(knob_white)
        knob_value3 = set_result(list_value1)

    if knob2_difference != 0:
        print("difference" + str(knob_value2))
        c.publish(adafruitFeed6, str(knob_value1) + str(knob_value2))
        list_value2 = read_value(knob_green)
        knob_value4 = set_result(list_value2)


    if not button.value():

        list_value1 = read_value(knob_white)
        knob_value1 = set_result(list_value1)

        list_value2 = read_value(knob_green)
        knob_value2 = set_result(list_value2)

        photo_value = light_convert(photo_int.read())


        c.publish(adafruitFeed1, str(knob_value1))
        c.publish(adafruitFeed2, str(knob_value2))
        c.publish(adafruitFeed3, str(photo_value))
        c.publish(adafruitFeed4, str(temp_f))
        c.publish(adafruitFeed5, str(hum))

        print('Temperature: %3.1f C' %temp)
        print('Temperature: %3.1f F' %temp_f)
        print('Humidity: %3.1f %%' %hum)

# 1.upload the data to the cloud
# 2.control two switches at the same time
# 3.connect to the esp32 to detect the sensors and print the variables
# 4.write classes
import machine
import time
import network
import ssd1306
from umqtt.simple import MQTTClient

# OLED Display

def initDisplay():
    print("initDisplay called.")
    oled.text("Hello" , 0, 0)
    oled.text("Welcome to" , 0, 10)
    oled.text("Instaportal" , 0, 20)

def internet_connect():
    # connect the ESP to local wifi network
    yourWifiSSID = "ACCD"
    yourWifiPassword = "tink1930"
    sta_if = network.WLAN(network.STA_IF)
    if not sta_if.isconnected():
      sta_if.connect(yourWifiSSID, yourWifiPassword)
      while not sta_if.isconnected():

    print("connected to WiFi")

def sub_cb(topic, msg):
    global value
    value = list(str(msg,'utf-8'))

def obj_mode(int):
    if int == '0':
        oled.text("LandScape Mode", 0, 0)
    elif int == '1':
        oled.text("Portrait Mode", 0, 0)
    elif int == '2':
        oled.text("Animal Mode", 0, 0)
    elif int == '3':
        oled.text("Plant Mode", 0, 0)
    elif int == '4':
        oled.text("Sky Mode", 0, 0)
    elif int == '5':
        oled.text("Architecture Mode", 0, 0)
    elif int == '6':
        oled.text("Furniture Mode", 0, 0)
    elif int == '7':
        oled.text("Prairie Mode", 0, 0)
    elif int == '8':
        oled.text("Space Mode", 0, 0)
    elif int == '9':
        oled.text("Illusion Mode", 0, 0)

def mood_mode(int):
    if int == '0':
        oled.text("Happy Mode", 0, 10)
    elif int == '1':
        oled.text("Cry Mode", 0, 10)
    elif int == '2':
        oled.text("Blue Mode", 0, 10)
    elif int == '3':
        oled.text("Angry Mode", 0, 10)
    elif int == '4':
        oled.text("Casual Mode", 0, 10)
    elif int == '5':
        oled.text("Excited Mode", 0, 10)
    elif int == '6':
        oled.text("Crazy Mode", 0, 10)
    elif int == '7':
        oled.text("Desired Mode", 0, 10)
    elif int == '8':
        oled.text("Relax Mode", 0, 10)
    elif int == '9':
        oled.text("Scare Mode", 0, 10)

i2c = machine.I2C(scl=machine.Pin(22), sda=machine.Pin(23), freq = 100000)
oled = ssd1306.SSD1306_I2C(128, 32, i2c)

value = []
# connect ESP to Adafruit IO using MQTT
myMqttClient = "esp32"  # replace with your own client name
adafruitUsername = "fqhang"  # can be found at "My Account" at adafruit.com
adafruitAioKey = "f8c8109354ca4d83b7a702d9101b2fc4"  # can be found by clicking on "VIEW AIO KEYS" when viewing an Adafruit IO Feed
adafruitFeed1 = adafruitUsername + "/feeds/Switch" # replace "test" with your feed name
adafruitIoUrl = "io.adafruit.com"
c = MQTTClient(myMqttClient, adafruitIoUrl, 0, adafruitUsername, adafruitAioKey)

while True:

    if len(value) == 2:
        oled.text("@instaportal", 0, 20)